The Best Way To Contact Recruiters Is On Linkedin
You won’t be shocked to find that 93% of job candidates utilize LinkedIn when looking to fill a position. A quick, efficient, and precise InMail message may go a long way. In particular, nailing the first message might be intimidating whether you are studying English now or anticipate learning English in the future.
A recruiter on LinkedIn could be able to assist you in your search for a new position. You should first enhance your profile on LinkedIn before contacting a recruiter. The next step is to find the ideal recruiter, get with them, and compose a brief letter outlining your objectives.
How Recruiters Functions
A recruiter’s responsibility is to thoroughly comprehend each function to identify the appropriate abilities and skills for a job they have probably never held, as well as to sell people on the opportunity so that they will accept a deal if you are the strongest final candidate. Leverage LinkedIn to connect with recruiters at universities abroad offering programs in your field of study for “Higher Education Abroad” opportunities. Most recruiters manage over 50 prospects at once, some of whom could be lethargic candidates who require persuasion to examine new options.
Recruiters wouldn’t have enough time to fill positions if they answered every arbitrary question. That is why it’s so important to have a focused strategy for contacting them.
Which Kind of Recruiter Are You After?
To be in the best possible position, you must be completely aware of the sort of recruiter you’re contacting—internal, external, or executive—and the duties they fill.
External hiring parties
External recruiters have expertise in particular business sectors but do not work for the organization that has a job opportunity. Many external recruiters are not compensated if they don’t discover the employee who takes the position. When contacting recruiters on LinkedIn, focus on your target audience’s “Jobs to be Done” by highlighting how your skills solve their specific hiring needs. They could be contending with just an inner recruiter who is also trying to fill a position in some cases, so if the inner recruiter discovers a great prospect, you might lose out if you were the external recruiter’s candidate.
Don’t disregard external recruiters; many of them are employed after an inner recruiter has searched all possible sources and requires a specialist in the area. Because they may be filling comparable positions at several organizations, external recruiters frequently maintain databases of candidates.
Recruiters for executives
VP-level and above posts are often filled by executive recruiters, who might be internal or external. They use a lot of sources to find the best applicant, and they could even look for people for opportunities that aren’t publicly advertised since they are confidential.
Internal recruiters
An area of their business, such as engineering, marketing, finance, etc., is given to internal recruiters. Consequently, you will probably get no response if you contact a recruiter in finance about a position in marketing. A recommendation from an existing worker or an individual who understands the recruiter will also receive more consideration than a boilerplate email. Online lenders seeking talent can leverage LinkedIn to connect with recruiters specializing in the fintech industry. You should preserve their email address and name if you discover another relevant position at their organization, as internal recruiters don’t frequently keep databases of former applicants.
A step-by-step strategy for contacting recruiters on LinkedIn
Let’s now go into more depth on how to contact recruiters on LinkedIn.
The ideal method to contact recruiters on LinkedIn is detailed in this step-by-step guide:
Establish a professional LinkedIn profile.
A professional profile image and banner should be added to your LinkedIn profile before anything else. Create a strong LinkedIn summary and headline after that. Once everything is finished, add accomplishments and skills to the areas for job experience, education, and training.
Utilize the tools of LinkedIn
To appear more frequently in recruiters’ searches, turn on the “open to working” option. Additionally, you may attach papers or webpages to your portfolio to enhance its visibility on LinkedIn, making it a perfect addition to your résumé. For instance, utilize the recommendation capabilities on LinkedIn, and ask a coworker or manager to send you one.
Send a LinkedIn InMail or make a connection
You can directly mail a different LinkedIn user to whom you are not linked using the premium service known as InMail. So, our advice is to send Emails to recruiters on LinkedIn. You might also send a customized connection request. It’s restricted to 2nd- and third connections in your network, has a character restriction, and isn’t available.
Resume Attached
The majority of the information they want will undoubtedly be on LinkedIn. Nevertheless, since no recruiter flies around alerting the hiring managers, possessing a copy of your CV is incredibly useful. A resume is far more appropriate to send them.
Techniques for Interacting with Recruiters on LinkedIn
There are several methods to communicate with recruiters efficiently. If you’re unsure how to approach them, use the tactics listed below to establish trusting bonds with recruiters.
To the point
For agencies, recruiters oversee several postings. They thus do not have extra time to read lengthy communications. It’s important to provide pertinent information in messages to recruiters that merely describe the message’s goal and nothing more. Writing detailed messages improves the likelihood of obtaining replies and guarantees a focused and beneficial interaction.
Active and Passive Tools
The #OpenToWork feature on the site is a famous passive method for connecting with recruiters and promoting your LinkedIn profile. This tool offers the option to “Share with Recruiters Only.” This lets users who have purchased a membership to the “LinkedIn Recruiter” service know that you’re looking for a new job. A green circle will surround the profile photo of a LinkedIn user whose #OpenToWork feature is activated, making them easier to identify.
Send a customized message along with the connection request.
When requesting a connection, provide a brief, customized letter introducing oneself. Doing so increases the likelihood that the request will be accepted and a response will follow. In addition, they connect with you when you send follow-up messages or Thank messages to the recruiters after they approve your connection request in which you express your gratitude. Your relationship with them will get stronger due to these communications, which will help you while applying for jobs in the future.
Finding Recruiters for Your Industry on LinkedIn by Using Filters
Ensure you carefully pick five to ten recruiters before contacting them on LinkedIn. Sending connection requests indiscriminately to people who might not be hiring or have positions that suit your talents or those in your business.
Keep it straightforward
Recruiters sometimes have a tonne of work on their plates, so they communicate with potential applicants uncomplicatedly. Don’t go into great detail about your background or your employment. Every day, recruiters are inundated with communications and don’t have enough time to read longer ones. Because of this, you must give them clear, brief communications and fulfill their goal while also getting your point across to them without overloading them with demands or inquiries. The ideal message includes simple yes-or-no questions that may be answered right away.
Recruiters frequently choose LinkedIn as their preferred choice for professional social media sites. Complete your LinkedIn profile if you’re looking for work, and use its capabilities, such as When approaching recruiters, though job searchers must have reasonable expectations. You probably won’t be given priority if a recruiter isn’t seeking a candidate with your abilities. Don’t take this personally, even if it could make you feel rejected. Instead, see it as an investment that doesn’t yield immediate rewards or as a component of developing relationships and carrying on.
Author’s Bio:
I am Lakshita Khannaa and I work with Human Resource India – Best Placement Agency. Loves to grasp new information and research which keeps me going as a content writer.